Ley lines, they are known by many names across the world, mana lines, telluric energy and many more. They are mysterious semielectrical energies flowing through the earth. Coincidentally they flow in lines connecting places of spiritual importance, e.g. stone circles, runed stones etc. There are two kinds of ley lines, one good, the other bad, natural lines are good but the bad kind occur when a line comes into contact with some kind of harm done to the earth, I will go into more detail about it later. The ancients of the world placed the standing stones and stone circles in specific places the divert, converge or refract lines to places of need. Some systems of ley lines are dependant entirely on one focal point, this may be a cup marked stone, stone circle etc. Once the focal point has be activated then the network it controls will come online. A question to ponder on would be if the global network was activated would the be an overload, would it bring about a large enough Electro magnetic field to increase gravity and pull the moon into us, who knows. Any way back to the facts, sleeping on any of these lines can be harmful to your body, The electrical energy interferes with the brain and can cause involuntary action or movement. Have you ever had the feeling that an insect or something is crawling on your arm or up your neck but when to check, nothing but air. This could be because the ley line is sending electrical messages up your nerves and your brain interprets that as touch. This kind of interference can cause cancer, this is caused by a bad ley interfering with your brain and your brain sending the wrong messages to the wrong places so the wrong things happen. This will mostly happen at night when you body is vulnerable if you sleep on a ley line, to find out how to divert ley lines away from your house see Prevention. To find out where they are you need dowsing rods. Dowsing rods are simply L shaped rods, they can be made from metal coat hangers and just bent into shape. If you have the money then you might want to splash out on T. So back to the information, if you mapped out the ley lines in Britain then you would see the they pass over places of importance, mountain tops, lakes. They are interconnected by standing stones and otherwise. Some plants and animals will only |